

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Welcome back :)

Hi Everyone!

After a longer break I return to writing my blog. I am glad to announce to you that I will share my ideas and thoughts with you again. I am happy as a clam :)
I would like to know where and whom did you spend your vacation? Could you recommend me any charming and breathtaking place to visit? I encourage you to share your memories and experiences with me!

Today I decided to write a little bit about the post - vacation blues. Do you know what is this or you underwent it? I suppose that it's worth clarifing this notion. According to MyHealthPortal:

"This is a legitimate feeling and psychologists at the University of Granada in Spain have researched this condition, which they describe as a general feeling of discomfort on having to go back to work". 

Thankfully, you can overcome this tipe of affliction: there are a lot of tips. Firstly, I recommend you to develop the habit of pursuing a healthy lifestyle: sleep well, get involved in sport and, obviously, be sociable. According to specialists, you should plan accordingly your back to work: thereby you dodge stress. What's more? You can meet with your friends and show them your vacation photos.

Good luck!


  1. Thanks! Well, the weather isn't helping, you must admit ;)

  2. Obviously! This morning it was raining cats and dogs...
