

Sunday, December 6, 2015

How to overcome laziness?

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday I woke up and what I saw out my window? All houses were plunged into darkness. Unfortunately, I had to wrap up warm and faced problems. In autumn and winter the bad weather discourages people from coming out. In my point of view, particulary in the evening, we perfer to call in on our friends rather than roam around the town. What is more, we need something which can help us to increase our interest and motivation. As for me, the weather makes me feel awfully lazy. Could you advise me on this matter? At first, the definition of laziness:

"It is a state of passivity and of letting things stay as they are". 


My friend (I can always rely on her) told me that I should start by making a list of all of my duties. Ok, if it helps me to achieve my goal I am ready for this. Then, she made me log out of Facebook. Why? According to experts, social networks absorb so much of our time and many people decide to delete their Facebook account. Another thing that distracts us is, obviously, a mobile phone. It is worth switching off our iphones and smartphones. In order to be more active and productive we have to clean our houses: in well-organized surroundings we stop feeling overwhelmed and... overworked :)

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