

Monday, March 9, 2015

Do you fancy learning a foreign language?

Hello again!

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping this morning. Spring is coming! Hurray! At least I can see the light at the end of the tunel. What a relief! I hope you had the opportunity to hear this beautiful song.

Today I would like to give you a few reasons to learn a foreign language. It's worth pointing out that, apparently, it pays to devote time and effort to acquire a new language. You can derive satisfaction from this!

Firstly, thanks to learning languages you can get a well - paid job and, thereby, rise your standard of living.What's more, if you earn more it makes you feel not only appreciated, but also valued. At the same time, you get rid of complex which turns out to be really beneficial.

Furthermore, it's necessary to mention that learning a foreign language helps you to become open with other people. When you carry on a conversation with them you learn about foreign culture, customs and religion. In my point of view, we should be tolerant of other people's beliefs and, what's more, treat each other with respect.

In my opinion, other reason to learn a foreign language is, doubtlessly, the opportunity to travel and visit a lot of incredible, breathtaking places. You get to see some charming scenery and have an unforgettable experience. 

Do you fancy learning a foreign language?

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